Sunday, 25 July 2010

Wars Of The Roses Book List

My Wars of the Roses book list is as follows:

General histories:

The Wars of the Roses, Lancaster and York - Alison Weir
The Wars of the Roses - Charles Ross
The Wars of the Roses - Desmond Seward

Military histories and books:

Wars of the Roses - Anthony Goodman. [Excellent.]
The Medieval Soldier in the Wars of The Roses - Andrew Boardman. [A personal favourite.]
The Military Campaigns of the Wars of the Roses - Philip A. Haigh. [Books don't come better than this.]
The Battle of Wakefield - Philip A. Haigh. [Good account of the campaign.]
The Battle of Towton - A. W. Boardman. [Good account of the campaign.]
The Battle of Bosworth - Michael Bennet. [Good account of the campaign.]
Where Both Hosts Fought - Philip A. Haigh. [Battles of Edgecote and Lose-Cote-Field.]
The Art of War in the Middle Ages 1278 - 1485 - Charles Oman.
Bowmen of England - Donald Featherstone.
The Medieval Archer - Bradbury.
Armies of the Middle Ages Vol. 1 -Ian Heath [WRG publication.]

Biographies and stuff:

Richard III and Buckingham's Rebellion - Gill
Edward IV - Charles Ross
Richard Duke of York 1411 - 1460 - P. A. Johnson. [This book was an expensive mistake, it is a book of financial accounts, etc. You will have to be sooooo much into WoR to like this book.]
The Paston Letters 1424 - 1506. 2 vols. - Paston. [Contemporary letters from the WoR.]

Pamphlets and Ospreys:

Medieval Heraldry - Osprey.
The Wars of the Roses - Osprey.
The Battle of Bosworth - Freezywater Publications.
The Battle of Tewkesbury - Freezywater Publications.
Heraldic Banners of the Wars of the Roses - Freezywater Publications.
Standards, Badges & Livery Colours of the Wars of the Roses - Freezywater Publications.

1 comment:

Epictetus said...

Excellent list and I concur about Haigh.

I would also recommend:

The Wars of the Roses - John Gillingham. A general history that offers and explanation as to why the military aspects of the WotR were different to contemporary wars in western Europe.

Bosworth 1485 - Michael K Jones. Somewhat peculiar theories which like everything about Bosworth needs a relook in the light of the recent discovery of the real battlefield, but interesting nonetheless.

The battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury - P.W. Hammond. Includes a chapter on the bombardment of London by the Bastard of Fauconberg.

Tewkesbury Eclipse of the House of Lancaster 1471 - Steven Goodchild. Good photographs of the battlefield and maps of several alternative scenarios.

Gloucestershire's Forgotten Battle Nibly Green 1470 - Fleming and Wood. Fascinating insight into the private conflicts going on at the same time as the dynastic struggle. Nicely illustrated as well.
