The other week, I played a two day wargame with the League of Gentlemen Wargamers up in bonnie Scotland. On my return, completely played out, I found myself lacking any inspiration or energy for sorting out this Wednesday night's game here (at my place) in Ilkley.
However, something that CSG had said during the weekend had reminded me of a file I have containing his old Table Top Teaser scenarios, so I decided to dust it off and revisit what lay therein. In that file I came across a real, if old, peach: It was published way back in June 1978.
Generally speaking this scenario is very similar to Charles's; only the nature and size of the forces, plus some terrain details, are different. Indeed, apart from changing names to swap to a (fictional) Peninsular theatre, the player 's orders have been used almost verbatim. Thank you for permission to use your words, Charles.
French Orders
14th July, 1812: Orders for the Commander of the advance guard: You are to clear the route to the town of Poca Estevan and secure the town for our main forces. This must be accomplished by last light on 15th July, year of Our Lord 1812. This town will form the concentration area prior to an assault on the bridge over the Tormes on 16th July. We believe the enemy already hold the bridge in strength. The bridge will be a costly objective, but one we must take in order to press into the heart of enemy country. It is regrettable that the enemy already has the bridge for surely we will lose many good men in taking it. Nevertheless, to take the town will benefit our preparations for the attack. I will send you what re-enforcements I can spare which should arrive in the area of the town at mid-day on 15th July. I leave the advance guard in your care, confident that you will command it with good sense and imagination.
British Orders
14th July, 1812: Orders for the Commander of the advance
guard: You are to clear the route to the bridge over the river Tormes and
secure it for our main forces. This must be accomplished by last
light on 15th July, year of Our Lord 1812. The bridge will form the
concentration area prior to an assault on the town of Poca Estervan on
16th July. We believe the enemy already hold the town in strength.
The town will be a costly objective, but one we must take
in order to press into the heart of enemy country. It is regrettable
that the enemy already has the town for surely we will lose many good
men in taking it. Nevertheless, to take the bridge will benefit our
preparations for the attack. I will send you what re-enforcements I
can spare which should arrive in the area of the bridge at mid-day on 15th
July. I leave the advance guard in your care, confident that you will
command it with good sense and imagination.
Situation at dawn 15th July 1812
At first light on the 15th July, both advance guards arrive in the area and discover, to their mutual surprise, that the enemy is not present. The commanders are not slow to grasp the significance of the situation. Each player finds himself presented with an opportunity to forward the ambitions of his army, possibly winning glory for himself, by taking the initiative and overreaching the specifics of his orders and attempting to take the main prize by coup de main. However, such a course of action might overextend his forces and bring about a major reverse. In essence this is the dilemma, the balancing act, call it what you will, posed by this particular table-top teaser.
Victory conditons (to be determined at nightfall 15th July - end of turn 8)
There are no fixed criteria for victory in this game. However, as a rule of thumb, a point should be awarded for fulfilling the primary part of the player's orders, with a bonus point going to the player who does best in conforming to the spirit of his orders overall - and that can be argued about. "What larks, Pip!"
A note on reinforcements
There should be three envelopes. Each envelope (number 1, 2, 3) should contain the relevant reinforcement list for both sides (see below). However, although listed here as envelopes 1, 2, 3 the envelopes are not actually marked as such - they are left blank so that the lists can be drawn at random. At the start of play both sides dice off to see who picks first; the player going second chooses one of the two remaining envelopes. At the end of turn two (a dispatch arrives) the players may open their envelopes. When the Stratagem card is turned, on the reinforcement's turn of arrival, the player must disclose dust rising above the relevant entry point. Field officer commands arrive on the first relevant move card (Infantry Division March / Cavalry Division March) after the Stratagem card is turned.
The map
The table is roughly 10' x 6'. The walls and trees are by Last Valley. The buildings (town sections) are a mix of 'modular' by Warbases and scratch built ones - all use Warbases windows and doors; all have Will's plastic HO pantile roofing. The river and rocky bits are all home made. Cornfields are doormat dry brushed with household paint. The latex rubber road sections are by Early War Miniatures but, I don't think you can buy this design anymore.
Terrain Definition
The Tormes river lies at the bottom of a steep ravine. It is extremely difficult terrain: It requires a test to cross; it counts both the 'cliffs' and 'water' modifiers. All hills are gently sloping broken ground and count as rough terrain to all; crests stem from the centre of high points and block LOS. 'Woods' represent hillside strewn with boulders, small trees and heavy undergrowth and are rough terrain to infantry, very rough terrain to cavalry and artillery, and light cover to all; they block LOS. Buildings are 'town sections', heavy cover; they block LOS to areas beyond. Corn fields represent enclosed areas of mixed agriculture such as orchards, vineyards and gardens, counting as very rough terrain and light cover to all; they do not block LOS. Deployment areas are 48" x 12". A-B-C mark the possible road entry points of each side's reserves. On arrival, reserves must enter the table fully within 6" of the road (marked with black paper - A's entry points are just out of shot).

The Initial French Force. All figures by Front Rank.
Initial French forces
C-in-C: Officer commanding the advance guard (skilled): 10 Army Morale Points (AMP); 6 Personal / Divisional Morale Points (P/DMP).
Field officer 1 (skilled): 6 DMP.
1st / 2nd 25th Light: Ready, steadfast, light troops, SK3. (Roll D6 per unit: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
25th Chasseurs a Cheval: Ready. (Roll D6 per unit: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Field officer 2 (skilled): 10 DMP.
1st / 2nd 36th Line: Ready, SK2. (Roll D6 per unit: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
1st / 2nd 39th Line: Ready, SK2. (Roll D6 per unit: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Battery of Foot Artillery (8pdrs): Ready. (Roll D6 per unit: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Field officer 3 (skilled): 4 DMP.
15th Dragoons: Ready. (Roll D6 per unit: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
5th Chasseurs a Cheval: Ready. (Roll D6 per unit: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Possible French Reinforcements. All Figures by Front Rank. |
French reinforcements
At the start of play the French player must draw one of three envelopes detailing the nature of his reinforcements, arrival point and time of arrival.
ENVELOPE 1: Arrive (after Stratagem card) at A and / or B from turn 5.
Field officer 4 (skilled): 6 DMP. Add 3 AMP to C-in-C on arrival.
1st Reserve Grenadiers: Ready, guard, fierce, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 4 - 6).
1st / 2nd 50th Line: Ready, SK2. (Roll D6 per unit: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Field officer 5 (average): 8 DMP. (Add 4 AMP to C-in-C on arrival).
1st / 2nd 27th Line: Ready, SK2. (Roll D6 per unit: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
22nd Chasseurs a Cheval: Ready. (Roll D6: Add DMP per 5 - 6).
Battery of Foot Artillery (12pdrs). Ready, heavy. (Roll D6 per unit: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
ENVELOPE 2: Arrive (after Stratagem card) at C from turn 4.
Field officer 4 (skilled): 6 DMP. (Add 3 AMP to C-in-C on arrival).
1st Reserve Grenadiers: Ready, guard, fierce, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1DMP per 4 - 6).
1st / 2nd Paris Municipal Guard: Eager, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1DMP per 4 - 6).
Field officer 5 (average): 6 DMP. (Add 3 AMP to C-in-C on arrival).
Vistula Lancers: Eager. (Roll D6: Add DMP per 4 - 6).
22nd Chasseurs a Cheval: Ready. (Roll D6: Add DMP per 5 - 6).
Battery of Horse artillery (6pdrs). Eager. (Roll D6: Add DMP per 5 - 6).
ENVELOPE 3: Arrive (after Stratagem card): Officer 4 at A from turn 3; Officer 5 at C from turn 5.
Field officer 4 (skilled): 8 DMP. (Add 4 AMP to C-in-C on arrival).
22nd Chasseurs a Cheval: Ready. (Roll D6: Add DMP per 5 - 6).
1st Hussars: Eager. (Roll D6: Add DMP per 4 - 6).
Vistula Lancers: Eager. (Roll D6: Add DMP per 4 - 6).
1 battery of Horse artillery (6pdrs). Eager. (Roll D6: Add DMP per 5 - 6).
Field officer 5 (poor): 6 DMP. (Add 3 AMP to C-in-C on arrival).
1st / 2nd 27th Line: Ready, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1DMP per 5 - 6).
1 Battery of Foot Artillery (12pdrs): Ready, heavy. (Roll D6: Add 1DMP per 5 - 6).
Initial British Force. All figures by Front Rank |
Initial British forces
C-in-C: Officer commanding the advance guard (skilled): 9 Army Morale Points (AMP); 6 Personal / Divisional Morale Points (P/DMP).
Field officer 1 (skilled): 6 DMP.
51st Light Infantry: Eager, light troops, SK4. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 4 - 6).
Chasseurs Britanniques: Ready, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Brunswick Oels: Ready, light troops, SK3. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
1 Cacadores SK stand.
Field officer 2 (skilled): 6 DMP.
12th Portuguese Line; Ready, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
21st Portuguese Line: Ready, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Battery of Foot Artillery (9pdrs): Ready. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
4 Cacadores SK stands.
Field officer 3 (skilled): 6 DMP.
14th Light Dragoons: Ready, fierce. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
10th Hussars: Eager: (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 4 - 6).
10th Portuguese cavalry: (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Possible British Reinforcements. All figures by Front Rank. |
British reinforcements
At the start of play the British player must draw one of three envelopes detailing the nature of his reinforcements, arrival point and time of arrival.
Envelope 1: Arrive (after Stratagem card) at A and / or B from turn 5.
Field officer 4 (skilled): 6 DMP. (Add 3 AMP to C-in-C on arrival).
5th Foot: Ready, steadfast, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
11th Foot: Ready, steadfast, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
16th Poruguese Line: Ready, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
1 SK Rifle stand.
Field Officer 5 (average): 6 DMP. (Add 3 AMP to C-in-C on arrival).
27th Foot: Ready, steadfast, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
8th Portuguese Line: Ready, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Battery of Foot Artillery (9pdrs): Ready. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
ENVELOPE 2: Arrive (after Stratagem card) at C from turn 4.
Field officer 4 (skilled): 6 DMP. (Add 3 AMP to C-in-C on arrival).
52nd Light Infantry: Eager, light troops, SK4. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 4 - 6).
1/95th Rifles: Eager, light troops. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 4 - 6).
13th Light Dragoons: Ready, fierce. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Field Officer 5 (average): 6 DMP. (Add 3 AMP to C-in-C on arrival).
43rd Light Infantry: Eager, light troops, SK4. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 4 - 6).
3rd Cacadores: Eager, light troops, SK4. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 4 - 6).
Battery of Horse Artillery (6pdrs): Eager. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
ENVELOPE 3: Arrive (after Stratagem card): Officer 4 at A from turn 3; Officer 5 at C from turn 5.
Field officer 4 (skilled): 8 DMP. (Add 4 AMP to C-in-C on arrival).
5th Foot: Ready, steadfast, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
11th Foot: Ready, steadfast, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
16th Poruguese Line: Ready, SK2. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Battery of Foot Artillery (9pdrs): Ready. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
1 SK Rifle stand.
Field officer 5 (poor): 6 DMP. (Add 3 AMP to C-in-C on arrival).
1st KGL Dragoons: Ready, fierce. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
2nd KGL Dragoons: Ready, fierce. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
13th Light Dragoons: Ready, fierce. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Battery of Horse Artillery (6pdrs): Eager. (Roll D6: Add 1 DMP per 5 - 6).
Looking forward
You may, or not, be pleased to hear I actually intend to do a battle report. It feels like a very long time since my last worthwhile post. And, I've also finished my Peninsular French (at long last), and painted up half a dozen Spanish units (including some conversion work to make up a battery of later war Spanish horse artillerymen in Mameluke style trousers and bearskins) so, I have a post in mind for them too.