To make life interesting (this is a solo game) I have added an off table force – The Medici Black Bands – which will arrive on a Stratagem card, as off table flank reserves, on the French left / Spanish right. I have not decided which side they will end up fighting for. This will be decided by a roll of the dice.
The French Army comprises: 1500 Gendarmes, 9000 Landsknechts, 4000 French pikemen, 2000 Gascon Crossbow, 500 French light horse, artillery.
The Spanish / Papal Army comprises: 1800 Italian Men-at-arms, 450 Spanish Men-at-arms, 900 light horse, 800 Genitors, 8000 Spanish infantry in four brigaded coronelas, 4000 Papal infantry, artillery.
I aim to play this game out over the next few days. I'll try and take some shots of the action and provide a narrative account.
That's a very nice table and scenery you have there! So the rules are in a stage for playtesting?
Could you recommend any rulebooks for medieval or renaissance battles? I've just gotten interested in historical side of the tabletop hobby.
Superb set up as is your standard. Collecting Landsknechtes and will be starting my Italian War venture soon, but plan on using the Impetus rule set for it.
Hi Erik, the fact I'm writing my own should tell you something but,
I like Piquet, so Classic Piquet plus the Band of Brothers 2 supplement.
For non Piquet you might try Maximillian (if you can find a copy), and I've heard good things about Impetus, though i've not played this.
Hard to believe your standard of tabletop and figs is actually improving !!! or so it seems to moi (maybe its just the colourfullness of this period ?). Simply a joy to behold.
Looks fantastic James.
Beautiful figures and loads of colour, building are fantastic and the table is an inspiration...excellent gaming room
Just one word, Fantastic!!
I thought I would share my stupidity that it has taken me a day to figure out why you've called it Ravignano.
Brilliant setup! I couldnt help ponder the Hail Caesar / Black Powder rule mechanic being used here, though this period is obviously a little too late for one and too early for the other...
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