Line infantry. 11 units, plus 3 (not pictured) grenadier regiments.
Command stands.
Cossacks: 5 units
Line cavalry: 4 units.
Artillery: 3 batteries.
Grenadiers: 3 units
I've decided to go on with the Russians for a while. I have 2 units of line infantry, 4 x units of Observation Corps infantry (36 figs per), 2 units of grenadiers, 2 units of Hussars, and a battery of guns in stock. I'll purchase the missing cavalry (3 units) and crew for the 5th gun battery shortly.
Thankfully, Foundry Russians are VERY easy to paint.
Great looking units
Very nice! You could use those with Maurice- have you tried the rules? I've played a couple of games and am sold.
Cheers, Simon
Impressive collection !!
Best regards Michael
Those look great James love the cossack types!
Thanks, guys.
Simon, no I haven't, but I'm hearing very good things about them. You know how much I like card driven games.
Hi James, they are dead quick to pick up, simple and quick. You'd need 7 or 8 battalions and 3-4 each squadrons and batteries per side to play. Game would last around 3 hours.
They are not unlike C&CA or C&CN, perhaps even better; more colourful events.
Cheers, Simon
Very impressive army which is also painted very good. I like those guys.
Very impressive army.
Great looking collection!
nice one mate!
Impressive! Looking forward to more of these non-project posts :)
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