The initial deployments. Rome masses its legions in the centre and details its velites to the flanks in support of its cavalry. Carthage sets its Bruttians in the hills, its African, Spanish infantry and elephants in the centre and a strong cavalry wing on the right (foreground). The Romans begin the battle here, taking the settlement and launching a series of cavalry charges. Honours are about even but the Romans remain in possession.
The Roman legions advance in the face of the elephants.
The elephant attack is poorly timed (Romans battle first) and they cause as much damage to their own side as the enemy. Here an officer rides up and down the line inspiring his men against the beasts - moments later he is flattened under the dead body of one of them (C&C: double helmets!).
Carthage will lose both of its generals in the battle.
Carthage spreads the attack over to the hill country.....
.....and sends a sneaky attack around the rear of the advancing Romans, cutting their line of retreat (this road exit is worth 2 victory flags to the owner).
The Romans finally lose the village (2 victory flags). They have to send troops to recapture the village and the road exit.
The Carthaginians are pulling the battle back but at heavy cost: They consolidate their right wing.
The Roman counter-attack in the hill country. They beat the Bruttians easily. Rome is gaining ground and the battle begins to swing in favour of the Romans. They capture the Carthaginian hill (worth 1 victory flag) they need three flags to win.
And here, in one card, they are - one for the unit of surrounded, hapless Spaniards; two for the road exit (far distance) recaptured by a unit of triarii.
Following the battle, judged to be long fought (attrition on the 7-9 column) and a normal victory (no adjustment on the retreat table) Paulus takes 1 CU loss. Hanno is wiped out after rolling very badly.
Great report and magnificent display!
Great report and marvelous eye candy as usual!
Them Romans just keep on coming!
Beautiful table and report once a again. Oh, the pain for the Poeni!
Super stuff as usual
Very nice, James!
Great Report and stunning miniatures and terrain.
I'm always blown away by your tables!
Beautiful pictures, as always...
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