This scenario has come about in rather an odd way, in so much as the terrain over which the scenario will be fought was created before anything else was decided upon. It came about this way because my primary aim was to see just how well my new road stock worked. I wanted to see just how well it negotiated hills, and to see just what kind of road systems I could build. This is what I came up with on my table (set up, without the drop leaf extension, 12 x 6). I didn't quite use all of the road I have - there is still another four feet of it in the drawer - and the road network seems quite extensive. I certainly think I have more than enough road to be going on with.
My only reservation about the Early War Miniatures track sets is the lack of 90 degree angle junctions. You can use the 'Y' junction to produce a 'T' junction with a judicious use of 45 degree turns, but I do like something more angular, especially for junctions in villages and so forth. Fortunately, I bought enough road sections to cut a few up and, although not a perfect solution, by cutting away some 'verges', I came up with this. This will do until EWM make some new bespoke junctions.
(BTW. The roads are latex rubber. They came unpainted and I chose to paint them dusty so that they would fit with all of my 28mm collections - my rational being all rough roads get dusty in a dry summer).
You can see a photo of one of the T junctions in use below. It is at the centre of Neue Strassen. As near as I can figure it, this represents about twenty five feet of road network. I'm very pleased with EWM road as I can now have my roads going up and over hills, something I had to mostly omit before.
The title of the scenario shouldn't need explanation.
All hills, except for Die Pickle, have type I slopes not effecting movement. The Pickle has type II slopes. To count superior position a unit must be clearly at higher elevation than the enemy. Troops firing up hill do not count inferior position.
Buddenwald and Eichenwald are type III terrain to cavalry and type II terrain for infantry providing type II cover to all.
Die Schlammigenstrom and Schlammigenwaldchen are type III terrain. Schlammigenwaldchen provides type II cover.
Die Hexe Teich is impassible.
All enclosed fields are type II terrain for movement and provide type II cover. They do not effect line of sight.
All built up areas count as 'Town' and provide type III cover.
All roads add 25% to movement rate provided that the troops using them start and end their movement fully on the road in column of route. The road exits marked 'A' are the possible entry points for the Austrians, those marked 'P' are possible entry points for the Prussians.
This where the Prussians will arrive.
From behind Die Langenhugel, looking down on Mautbrucke (Tollbridge).
The Sclammigenstrom (Muddy Stream) and the Slammigenwald (Muddy Wood) will be very heavy going.
Behind the boggy ground is Die Pickle (The Pimple).
The Prussian army in four commands.
The army comprises three units of grenadiers, five units of musketeers, two units of fusiliers, four units of dragoons, four units of hussars, two heavy batteries and a battery of horse artillery.
The Austrian army in five commands.
It comprises one unit of grenadiers, ten units of German musketeers, one unit of Hungarian musketeers, five units of Grenzers, four units of cuirassier, two units of dragoons, two units of hussars, two heavy batteries and a battery of howitzers.
The Scenario
The scenario is a simple meeting engagement. The objective, for both players, is the destruction of the enemy army.
Each side may deploy the units of one command containing cavalry, up to 24" on table, in any formation, anywhere along the players short edge of the table. This is the army's vanguard.
Except for the vanguard all other units must enter the table by road in column of route. Each player must mark the road 'exit' where each of his commands will enter using the counters provided (Prussian 2 - 5 of spades, Austrian 2 - 6 of diamonds). Aces will mark the entry point of the C-in-Cs, though they may enter at any time on the appearance of an officer check card.
The only timing restrictions for entry are:
- Only one command may newly arrive on the appearance of each appropriate move card, thus staggering the arrival of each army.
- Units must arrive in a single column of route at each entry point; simply getting off the road as soon as possible will not allow the next unit to move on table at full rate.
Looks great James, and I look forward to reading about the game.
Looks great. Look forward to seeing the game
Fantastic layout!
Looks great!
Looking good! I'm sure the action will be enthralling!
That pond is excellent, did you make it?
I forward to seeing close-ups in the report.
Have fun,
I made the pond about 15 years ago and it comes out every so often. I made it for re-fighting Chotusitz at a much reduced scale (Cirkwitz Pond). It's just a piece of perspex, underside painted 'dark water' with some polystyrene tiled 'banking' suitably painted and flocked. Lily pads are just balls of Milliput pressed flat with the handle end of a big paint brush, and the reads are brush bristles.
If I were making it again I'd do it similar, but I'd glue the square of perspex into an irregular shaped MDF sabot before doing the banking (which I'd now make out of foam board). This original is very square and I have to hide the fact under all of the edging seen in the photo.
Great looking terrain with excellent roads. I liked the way you made the junctions that you needed.
But I suggest you rename the Buchenwald so it isn't confused with:
Whoops and damn. I didn't even think of that. Apart from Kibitz I just named everything by putting names through google translate. Buchenwald being Beechwood and Eichenwald being Oakwood, etc.
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