Wednesday 1 November 2023

Campaign report: The Assault on Terragona

Macdonald's troops attacked in three groups. The centre would be occupied by a holding force that would not go in until the two flanking columns had overcome the redoubts to the right and left of the main position. 

This would prove more difficult than it sounded because the Spanish won so much initiative that the attack had barely got underway at the end of turn three.

The redoubt on the Spanish right was swiftly overcome midway through turn four and the one on the left fell soon after, but time was running out.

On turn five the assault on the main position went in in force. The Spanish were running out of army morale points (AMP) and the French were running out of cards with which to finish them off.
The Spanish C-in-C was down to his last AMP (green dice). The French won the last initiative of the game. With their last initiative point, on their last card, and one last charge, they took the last enemy AMP. The battle had been decisively won, just. The fortress of Terragona had fallen.
What was left of the Spanish (they took very heavy casualties, including a whole division) retreated down the coast to Valencia. French casualties were light.


Rob said...

French casualties were light? Storming those positions, I'd have expected a pretty big butcher's bill. I assume from the oranges one the table that the photo of the Spanish Command was taken during half-time?

daveb said...

Huzzah! Nice pics and AAR. Did it play reasonably fast? (Am I misinterpreting that the French didn't get to do much in the first couple turns?)